Explore Our Services

We know life is busy, that’s why our goal is to help you make and sustain lifestyle changes to feel better and be more present with your families, your careers and your passions.

Nutrition Coaching

Do you already have a fitness routine that’s working for you but need a nutrition plan that complements the effort spent in the gym?

Personal Training

Do you have meal planning and prepping down but have no idea where to start when it comes to a fitness plan?

Nutrition & Training

Are you starting your health and fitness journey from the beginning? You need a coach that will discuss your goals and create a nutrition and fitness plan unique to you so you can see results!

Accountability Coaching

Already have a base level of nutrition and a workout program that meets your needs, but need consistent accountability to achieve your goals?

Healthy Shopping Trip

Feel overwhelmed and not sure where to start once you get inside the grocery store? Let’s shop together and get comfortable shopping with your goals in mind!

Home Cooking Session

Does prepping food and moving around the kitchen stress you out? We can help you feel more confident in the kitchen and remove stress by having meals prepared that set you up for success!

Meet Your Coach

Hi, I’m Kendra!

I’m a fitness and health coach helping women take control of their health and tackle their goals. My mission is to help you build an achievable plan for your health and fitness goals.